By-Laws of the
South Carolina Reconciling Ministries Network
Adopted: June 6, 2022
Article I: Establishment of Association
Section 1 - The purpose of this organization shall be: 1) to coordinate any proactive or reactive responses to issues related to full inclusion in the current United Methodist Church or other bodies who lobby for stances on issues related to RMN, 2) to be the body to organize statewide meetings and other regional events, and 3) to nurture new Reconciling United Methodist individuals, small groups and/or churches in their discerning process and 4) to create a method of sharing of information among all reconciling communities/churches in SC and their leaders.
Section 2 - The name of this organization shall be the "South Carolina Reconciling Ministries Network" - referred to herein as SCRMN.
Article II: Membership
Section 1 - A member of the SCRMN is any person who is active in or has ties or interest in the United Methodist Church in South Carolina and our cause, who agrees to the purposes of the organization stated in Article 1, Section 1 and has: 1) responded to an invitation for membership from the organization or has requested membership and been accepted by the Coordinating Council. Membership is continuous and expires only if one requests to be removed from the membership, one severs ties with the United Methodist church in South Carolina or is removed by a majority vote of the Coordinating Council.
Article III: Election of Leadership and Coordinating Council Members
Section 1: The leadership and organizational structure shall consist of a Coordinating Council consisting of between five and 12 members, one of which shall be designated as Treasurer of the group and one as Communications chair of the group. Terms for each Councilmember shall be for at least one year. The Coordinating Council shall have the power to appoint new Council members: for vacancies, when a member resigns, becomes inactive or is otherwise unable to fulfill their duties. A vote of the majority of the Coordination Council shall be needed in these matters. Appointees shall serve until another general election is scheduled. There are no term limits for serving on the Coordinating Council.
Section 2 - Any member may place or have their name placed in nomination for a Coordinating Council seat during an announced voting process by notifying any Coordinating Council member prior to any election. Any member may also notify Council that they are willing to serve in any vacant slot.
Section 3 – Where possible Coordinating Council members should represent the various United Methodist Districts in South Carolina or at a minimum, represent geographic pockets of existing SCRMN membership.
Article IV: Duties of Coordinating Council Members and Officers
Section 1 - It shall be the duty of the Coordinating Council to record the proceedings of all called meetings, to maintain adequate records of the organization's activities and to conduct such official correspondence as shall be required or requested by membership.
Section 2 - It shall be the duty of the Treasurer of SCRMN to collect, safeguard, disburse, and make periodic reports of all funds obtained in the name of the organization. No expenditure of funds, with the exception of operating expenditures, shall be authorized by the Treasurer except by a majority vote of the members of the Coordinating Council. A complete report of receipts and disbursements shall be made available by the Treasurer to the membership at all meetings.
Article V: Meetings
Section 1 - The general membership shall conduct a minimum of one meeting annually at a time to be set by the Coordinating Council. The election of Coordinating Council members shall occur at one of these meetings. The time, place and agenda of meetings, as well any virtual component or methodologies for voting, shall be publicized at least one week in advance of the called meeting date. During each meeting, for the purposes of conducting business, a quorum shall consist of those members present and voting given that the total number of members attending be 10 or greater. In all matters of voting the matters shall be determined by a simple majority (50%+1) of those voting.
Section 2 - Additional meetings shall be called by the Council when it deems such meetings necessary, or when presented with a request for such meetings by five (5) members, provided a one week's advance notice is given before the set meeting date and the stated purpose for the meeting is shared with membership at the time it is scheduled.
Article VII: In matters not addressed in these By-Laws, Robert’s Rules of Order shall be applied where applicable.
Article VIII: Amendments
These by-laws may be amended by a majority vote of those members voting at any duly called meeting. Notice of intent to amend shall be made and advertised to the membership at least two (2) weeks in advance of the scheduled vote.
Article VIII: Dissolving the Organization
Section 1 - Should the organization vote to dissolve or by matter of not having convened a meeting in 18 months be considered dissolved, the Treasurer or any existing Council member shall have the authority to close any bank accounts, notify any legal entities of our status and disburse all remaining funds to either the S.C. United Methodist Aldersgate Special Needs Ministry or to an organization designated by a majority of members at the last meeting of the organization.